Business Opportunity $100. No Financial Risk. Fully Refundable After One Year if you do not want to continue.
Associates receive 60% commissions on sales of the membership ($150 on $250 Sale).
Associates receive 50% commissions on Business Opportunity Sales ($50 on $100 Sale).
Associates get life-time perpetual income on every Tag (10% of our collected fee for life).
Once tagged, the person is assigned to that Associate for the rest of the Associate's and Spouse's Life. It is permanent. A tag is simply sending in the person's name, address, and email to
Funeral Negotiators. That's it. Takes less than 5 minutes. Then, for the rest of your life and your spouse's life, you receive 10% of the Funeral Negotiator's collected fee on everyone you tagged.
If someone you tagged, later purchases a membership or becomes an associate, you get the full commission. Tags are permanent. There are no multi-levels. No Sales Quotas. This is not a pyramid
scheme. If someone you tagged then purchases a membership even years later, you get $150 of the $250 life-time membership fee. Everyone gets the same commission rate and perpetual income rate
from day one. If someone you tagged then purchases the Business Opportunity, you get $50 of the $100 fee. Again, if someone you tagged later purchases a membership or the business opportunity,
you get the full commission, even if the person purchases the membership years later. This is awesome!
Our goal is to get the word out about our wonderful business so we can help families. Associates make commission income on sales of the membership and business opportunity. Associates also make perpetual income for the rest of their lives regardless of whether someone purchases a plan or not. We simply want associates to tag people so we can send them information about our service so they simply know about us. Once families know about our wonderful service, they will use us and be very grateful you "tagged" them. When families use our service, our Associates win. Everyone wins.
There are no marketing materials to purchase. No inventory to keep. Associates do not follow up on tags. Funeral Negotiators does all that for our associates. We never pressure anyone to use our services. We do not want our associates pressuring families either. We simply want Associates to get permission for us to send an email or letter (no phone calls). Once a person is Tagged, the Tagged person is permanently tied to the original Tagging Associate FOR LIFE. Associates do not handle contracts. Associates do not handle payments or credit cards. Associates do not collect money from new members. All is handled by the business office. If we offer a membership at the time a nonmember family uses our service, the original tagging associate gets the full commission. We cannot make this easier.